Introducing Elm Grove Eagle Membership


At one time or another you have been inspired by a teacher. Maybe you have seen the spark in your childs eyes as they are learning something new.  You long for more of it and want Elm Grove to be fully equipped to help their eagles soar.  If that resonates with you, we invite you to join the Elm Grove Eagle Membership. Your monthly ($25+) or annual ($300+) donation will play a large role in operations and activities at Elm Grove. As a thank you, you'll receive small perks throughout the year and regular updates to stay connected with the Elm Grove and the PTA's Mission. 


Your contribution will go towards things in classrooms, school events, leadership development and much more. 


Membership is about supporting the mission and purpose of Elm Grove and the PTA. That being said, we want to acknowledge your generosity with ways to connect you with Elm Grove and the things we are excited about! Here are a few things your membership will include... 


If you join your first token of gratitude will be 1 wrist band to the fall festival and 25 tickets or 2 wrist bands. (your choice).


During the course of the year as long as you are a member or have paid $300 dollars you will get additional surprises sent home about every 2-3 months. 


Become a part of something great click here!

Elm Grove News

 Spring Semester Spirit Nights are Here!
Get all the details here!
Jan. 28th--Smokey Mo's 5-9pm
Feb. 17th--MOD Buda (ALL DAY!)
Mar. 26th--Hat Creek 5-9pm
Apr. 23rd--Sonic 5-8pm
May 13th--Main St. Pizza 5-9pm




Visit our Spirit Store now to order your discounted spirit gear today!



join the pta today!

We would love to have ALL of our Elm Grove families join the PTA. Parents, Teachers, Students, Grandparents, Neighbors, Friends and Community Members are all encouraged to join!  Memberships expire July 31st and must be renewed each school year.

**Membership toolkit only allows TWO adults per toolkit account.  If you have other adults (aunts, uncle, grandparents, grandfriends, community members) who would like to join, they will need their own toolkit account.**

Please remember that you do not need to volunteer your time to be a member of the PTA - although we love our volunteers. However, by joining the PTA, your membership dues provide support to our many programs and give your student a voice in how the PTA supports their school.

Show your support for our great students, school, parents, and staff by joining the Elm Grove PTA. The Elm Grove PTA is an effective resource for Elm Grove parents and teachers to support the goals we share in educating our children.  As a member of the Elm Grove PTA, you are also a member of the TX PTA, who strongly advocate for students, teachers and families in Texas.  Learn more here:

click here to join pta